Frequently asked questions

When do you pick up?
We work in with all flights. We start at 3am to meet the first flight out and meet the last flight in.

What are your office hours?
Our office is open 7 days per week 7am to 7pm. We are closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

When should I book?
We recommend you book as soon as you have decided to travel with us. Booking early guarantees you a spot. We can take bookings up to the last minute, subject to availability.

Is my booking confirmed?
We always contact you the day before travel and confirm all travel arrangements.

What if our flight or cruise ship is delayed or late?
Sometimes airlines and cruise ships have delays. If this happens to you please phone or email our office as soon as you are aware. We will monitor your flight via the internet however sometimes the airlines don't provide up-to-date details. 

What method of payment is accepted?
We accept cash, Mastercard, Visa Card and Cab-charge.

What if I am held up in Customs?
Sometimes you can be held up in Customs. If this happens please phone us as soon as possible to inform us of the delay.

What is your cancellation policy?
We understand that plans can change. We ask you to phone us as soon as you need to cancel to avoid a cancellation fee.